
  Arthroscopy is a method with a minimal invasiveness for solving problems after traumatical or degenerative damage of structures of joints (menisci, ligaments, cartilage etc). Arthroscopy is an effectiv ambulant operation method. It is used for the right diagnosis and at the same time removing or reparing of the injuried part that has problems.

Benefits of arthroscopy:

        1. short time of recovery
minimal risk of infection
not necessary to hospitalize or only for a short time
cosmetic effect

Arthroscopy can be used for treatment of small joints:

                                                                                  Ankle                                                                                    Knee

Arthroscopy Of The Ankle

  All accidents of the ankle are connected with an intra- and periarticular haematom and subjective difficulties we all know – pain, impossibility to move the foot and swelling.The ankle`s resistance against a mechanical load is limited (like the other joints). Each distortion can cause an injury of the cartilage or even the bone with haemarthros and (or) an injury of soft tissues with bleeding and creating of a perimalleolar haemathom. A repeated overloading of the joint (during sports – soccer, basketball) can create a synovitis, injury of cartilage, microfractures of the subchondral bone, its sclerotic process  that can create after time arthrotical (degenerative) changes in the joint.In the postoperative time, a plaster cast is not necessary, only elastic bandage of the joint. The patient moves on crutches the first two or three days without putting on the operated foot. Subsequently, weight can be put on the foot slowly, till the full restoring of the joint.

Arthroscopy Of The Knee

  The knee is one of the most complicated joints of the body. There are many structures in the knee which can be injured by an accident or degeneration. It is the the anterior and posterior crucial ligament, both the collateral ligaments, menisci and also the cartilage that are injured very often, but there is a degenerative injury here mostly. A few years ago these kinds of injuries were solved by an opening of the knee with the help of a large cut. The patient had to use a plaster cast for a long time and rehabilitation after its removal lasted too long. Arthroscopy avoids this. It is an examining and operation tecnique where an optical pipe is led into the knee through a small cut (about 5 mm long) and the real picture of all structures of the joint can be seen on a monitor. Single structures can be treated by using special instruments led from other small entrances.


  Menisci are moon-shaped cartilaginous formations between the femur (thigh bone) and shin bone. Formerly they were treated as not important structures and removed when hurt. But today, the view has changed. They are necessary for the right movement of the knee and have some fuctions here. For example, they are a shock-absorber for the cartilage itself, improve the stability of the knee or enlarge the surface between the thigh and shin bone and help to spread the weight and power in the knee. A damaged meniscus should be saved as far as possible and therefore only a partial resection is done – meniscectomia, eventually the meniscus is sewed together. There are different kinds of sewing but their use is very restrictedly ordered.


  Ligaments together with muscles ensure the stability and the right biomechanical function of the knee. The movement of the knee is a very complicated, rolling and gliding movement which is controlled by anterior and posterior crucial ligaments and external and internal lateral ligaments. Damage of one of the ligaments causes instability of the knee and after time the knee wastes and degenerative changes begin. Of course, people with these injuries are not able to move and do sports anymore. Previously, the treatment of injured ligaments was sewing, but the stability was not perfect. These days the ligament is usually replaced by using a part of another ligament. There are different techniques of the replacement and it is a complicated operation.


  The cartilage is also damaged very often after an accident or degenerative injuries of the knee. There are four levels of injury of the cartilage. The cartilage almost doesn`t exist in the fourth level. It is possible to apply injections supporting the formation of the cartilage or to refix the single bigger parts of the cartilage or to smooth away the surface of the cartilage. One of the most effective methods is the mosaic plastic operation, where the bigger damage of the cartilage is replaced from another part of the knee.

                              Shoulder Arthroscopy
The shoulder area is a part of the human body connecting the trunk and upper extremity. Like the knee, the stability of the shoulder is fixed with the help of ligaments and muscles. This connection is very complicated and can be lightly damaged. The injury of the shoulder is connected with pain, loss of stability and common function of the upper extremity and hand. Previously, the only treatment was a hanging position and staying still. These days, a specific diagnostical algorythm is used to find the cause of problems and to offer an optimal threatment. The newest special knowledge and technical inventions are applied and with their help the cause is exactly removed. Young people are eager for a success in sport and they are hurt very often. The instability of the shoulder is the result. This is a problem called “jumping” shoulder, or luxation of the shoulder.  The cause of this is an accident connected with an injury of the arthritic capule and the cartilagineus edge of the arthritic pit – labrum. This kind of injury doesn`t heal in almost 100 % of cases and leads to repeated complaints. Of course, all activities in sports and other areas are limited by the problem. Its removal is possible only by using the surgical method.The right therapy makes possible a return to all activities mostly without restriction. Other instabilities aren`t caused by an accident. Their diagnostics is more difficult. But they can be healed by using the right therapy too, and improve the comfort of movement.With age, shoulder complaints appear, where the patient doesn`t remember any accident, or he remembers an accident in the past, which he dosn`t connected with these problems. Pain appears, especially at night, and also a gradual stiffness of the joint. But in most cases, this problem can be solved surgically with complete healing and renewing of movement of the joint.Another problem occures with accidents, when a rift of muscle and sinew structures above the head of the humerus appears. It is a so-called rotator cuff cut. The accident itself can be imperceptible; the result is the impossibility of raising the upper extremity. It is typical for people over 40 years of age. Again, only a surgigal treatment and a good rehabilitation have to be used for solving this problem.


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